
Ayurvedic Remedies To Manage High Blood Pressure

Ayurvedic Remedies To Manage High Blood Pressure

Diabetes causes the arteries to become blocked, which impairs heart function. It is the struggle that blood goes through while passing through the arterial walls. It would either make the person gasp for air, make him or her suffer severely from nasal bleeding, or experience blurry vision and anxiety syndrome. 

The age-old science of Ayurveda aids in the process of recovery with different herbs and organic materials. This blog emphasizes how to control blood sugar with Ayurveda, which may stabilize high blood pressure.

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure happens when the blood exerts pressure on the arterial walls to circulate throughout the body. The pressure builds up when the arterial walls become narrow. As many would call high blood pressure hypertension, it may not remain the same throughout the day; it may go up or down as per the body’s requirements.

How Is It Associated With Diabetes?

Anyone who suffers from diabetic conditions would experience a surge in blood sugar levels and an increase in weight. As a result, fats accumulate in the arterial walls and do not let the blood flow through the arteries so easily, and that’s how the blood pressure rises.

10 Major Ayurvedic Remedies To Manage High Blood Pressure 

Blood pressure can be a life-threatening condition if it is not properly taken care of with medication. However, there are always risks of different side effects if allopathic medications are used. Incorporating Ayurveda into your life will surely have a positive impact on your health conditions and will also prove beneficial for your mental health.

A list of ayurvedic remedies for blood pressure is given below, which also lowers high blood sugar:

1. Garlic

The reason to depend on garlic for blood pressure is because of its bioactive compound, allicin, which contributes to stabilizing the elevated blood pressure level. Eating four gloves of garlic is enough to widen the blood vessels and enable the flow of blood throughout the body. It does help in managing the blood sugar level naturally.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a common Indian herb that delivers relief from stress and excess blood sugar levels. These two factors contribute to a rise in blood pressure. Clinical studies have noted that it stabilizes blood sugar by triggering insulin sensitivity and relieving high cholesterol, which is responsible for increasing blood pressure.

3. Triphala

Combinations of herbs like Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki in Triphala contribute to stabilizing the enhanced blood sugar levels. It helps improve heart function by removing toxins and fats that block the heart vessels. The best results one can have by taking Triphala on an empty stomach every day.

4. Guggul

It is another ayurvedic herb for boosting cardiovascular health. It lowers inflammatory conditions and improves lipid metabolism and circulatory health. It helps in further lowering blood sugar levels, which is a form of resin derived from the Mukul Myrrh tree.

5. Arjuna

It does improve the quality of blood flow through the blood vessels by broadening the inner walls of the arteries. It would further help the blood flow easily, making way for improvements in heartbeat and palpitations. It is also capable of reducing blood sugar by raising the insulin level. Dr. Madhu Amrit is one such ayurvedic medicine for diabetes that has major ingredients like arjuna and thus makes any diabetic patient rely on it for managing heart complications like high BP. 

6. Tulsi

Tulsi, or holy basil, especially used for religious purposes, also has medicinal properties to improve metabolic activities and reduce blood pressure. It is the presence of detoxifying agents in Tulsi leaves that helps in widening the space in the inner wall of the arteries and stimulating the flow of blood throughout the body in an equal way. Daily consumption of 2 to 3 Tulsi leaves will aid in stabilizing the blood sugar levels without causing any side effects.

7. Shilajit

Experiencing high blood pressure may be quite challenging, which may narrow down the arteries and cause irregular blood circulation and heart rhythms. Shilajit, taken in a moderate amount, will restore circulatory conditions and improve heart function by stabilizing cholesterol. It will ease blood flow and control the rise in blood sugar.

8. Brahmi

Whenever the person is stressed and anxious, his heart starts beating faster, indicating that his blood pressure is getting faster. And that seems to worsen the heart condition. However, drinking Brahmi juice daily will revitalize the nervous system and improve cognitive abilities. And boost blood circulation. It will thus result in a healthy heart condition. 

9. Sarpagandha

If the blood vessels are congested with toxins or excess fats and the nervous system is upset, then it is difficult to have normal blood pressure. High blood pressure causes difficulty breathing and different diabetic complications, like blurry vision and kidney disorders.

But Sarpagandha has the natural medicinal properties to calm down the nerves and blood vessels, leading to a smooth flow of blood throughout the body.

10. Punarnava

Accumulation of waste in the blood vessels causes interruption of blood flow thereby increasing blood pressure. Punarnava works effectively for BP patients by bringing relief from the waste accumulated in the blood vessels and by enhancing urine production. Thus, it becomes easy for the blood to flow through the channels in the body. Further, it also increases the insulin plasma, which helps in maintaining optimum blood sugar levels.


A rise in blood sugar level, or diabetes, makes any person suffer from unpleasant and life-threatening conditions like high blood pressure. It does not ensure a healthy circulatory system and often increases the chances of a heart attack or stroke leading to sudden death. Dealing with high BP may be challenging, but certain herbs like Arjuna, Tulsi, Brahmi, Shilajit, and Punarnava can cleanse the blood vessels, improve the flow of blood, and also stabilize the glucose conditions naturally.

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