
Here Are 11 Little Known Grammar Rules You Need to Know

Here Are 11 Little Known Grammar Rules You Need to Know

If you are doing any assignment on any subject or writing a research paper, you will be required to check the grammar rules. They are the fundamentals of a language. Moreover, if your work does not have correct grammar, it would leave a wrong impression on the readers. They may undermine your work and even leave it in between.

So, it becomes important to make the content of your writing grammatically correct. Since many of you lack the knowledge of less popular rules, you use some online tools to ensure your work is on point by searching for Grammar Checker UK. But now you do not have to use it, as by reading the article till the end, you will learn the eleven lesser-known rules you need to improve in your content to get the best writing and put a great first impression on the reader. So, without any further delay, let’s start with them.

List of 11 Little-Known Grammatical Rules

Here is a list of eleven grammatical rules you correct in your content. Since many of you know the most popular ones, and make them true. But these eleven are known to very few people. Most of the time, they are left unchecked, costing you your impression and grades. So, read all these eleven rules so that they go correctly in your writing. So, without wasting any time, let’s start with the first one.

Who vs. Whom

It is a common confusion, but few people know when to use it. They mistakenly use who in place of whom and vice versa. So, if this situation arises, you do this simple trick. If you can replace the word who, use he or she. But if you can replace the word with him and her, use whom. For instance, who is coming to take you is correct, and it can be replaced by he and she, but not him or her.

Sentence Ending

You may have read sentences like; there is nothing to be afraid of. Reading them sounds natural, and you may say there is nothing wrong with that. But there is something fishy in that. Carefully look at the ending it contains. There are no sentences that end with a proposition, and if they are, they are not grammatically true.  So, correct it next time. But if all these sound complex, you can search for assignment help to get the aid of experts to do your work.

Sentence Starting

Many of you have read sentences like, and it is the last thing we did that day. This sentence starts with a conjunction, which is not grammatically correct. But they are becoming more and more common. Many people prefer to start their line with conjunctions, like and, or, but in their blogs and articles. However, they are not correct, and you must avoid them, especially in the case of academic writing.

One Word Sentence

A sentence requires a verb and a subject to be complete. But sometimes, you do not have to write the verb or the subject explicitly because it is understood by the way the sentence forms. They are one-word sentences because they usually have one or two words, as the meaning is implicit. For instance, “help” is a complete sentence instead of “I need your help”. Moreover, many people write “go” instead of “get going now”, which is also true.

E.G versus I.E

One of the mistakes people make is they use e.g. and i.e. interchangeably. But they have different meanings. If talked about e.g. stands for exempli gratia, a Latin word that means for example. If you have used this in your writing, it will have possible examples after it. But if you have written i.e. which stands for ‘id est’ means ‘that is’. If you use this, then your writing is followed by a set of all applicable examples.

Use of Parenthesis

Parenthesis or brackets help to share additional information. If you use them at the end of your sentence, you must use the punctuation mark outside the parenthesis. For instance, the children wanted to go to the park (because they love kicking the ball).’ Here, the full stop comes outside the parenthesis, which is the correct way of using parentheses in your sentences.

Capital Letters Rules

All of you would know that you have to make the first letter of your sentence capital. But there is more. They come in the middle of a sentence to show the start of proper nouns or proper adjectives. Capital letters also denote the title of a book, a movie or a significant place like a monument. Moreover, you do not capitalize conjunctions and prepositions until they begin or end a title.

Unnecessary Comma

You use commas to separate and group ideas. However, many people make the mistake of using them unnecessarily in their sentences, which degrades the overall readability of their writing. For instance, ‘John and Jake, went to the Cinema, to watch their favourite movies. Here, using commas after Jake, and cinema is completely useless and must be avoided at all costs.  It should be John and Jake who went to the cinema to watch their favourite movie.

Comma Splice

Comma Splice is a common mistake that you must avoid. It means when you join two independent clauses (or sentences) using a comma. It is wrong, as combining them both will degrade the readability of your writing. Instead, use a semicolon.

Incorrect: I ordered a pizza, and she ordered a Coke.

Correct: I ordered pizza; she ordered a Coke.

Introductory Comma

Commas play an essential role in introducing a clause. It means that you are starting a sentence that will combine with the previous one and make one complete sentence. Doing so will improve the grammar score of your document and will make it easy to read.  Read the below example for further understanding.

Incorrect: If we can’t call I’ll text you.

Correct: If we can’t call, I’ll text you.

Parallel Structure

You must have structure in your writing. If you lack one, your reader will find it difficult to understand the content of your work.  So, ensure a common pattern while writing your list and sentences.  You will gain more understanding by reading the below examples.

Inconsistent: In college, I studied math and physics and got lessons in music and psychology.

Consistent: In my college, I studied math, physics, and psychology. Also, took the music lesson.


These are the eleven grammar rules to make your writing errors. These are the little-known and usually left unchecked by many of you. But if you improve them, your content will stand out and create a great impression on the readers. But if reading and understanding them sound complex, you can get help from tools by searching for grammar checkers UK. It will make your writing error-free.

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